When you are in contact with Swing Catalyst Baseball online, you give the company access to information about you. The privacy statement tells what information we collect, how we do it, and what we use the information for.

What is personal information?

Personal information is information that can be linked to you, such as name, telephone number, and email. How you use a website is considered personal information. For example, what you have clicked on, newsletters you subscribe to, and who you “like”.

Cookies from Google Analytics

We use Google Analytics to get statistics on how visitors navigate and use our web pages. For example, we get to know the time of day, which pages they visit, and how long they use the page. We do not store any personal information about this.

Google Analytics uses cookies; small text files that the site stores on your computer. To ensure your privacy, we use anonymizeIP, a feature that allows all information that can identify you, including IP address, to be anonymized.

At allaboutcookies.org you can read about cookies and see how you manage them in your browser.


Contact form

When you enter your name and email address in the contact form, an email is generated and sent to Initial Force. The contact information is not stored in the website’s database.


You can sign up to a newsletter on baseball.swingcatalyst.com. The newsletter is managed by MailChimp, the email address will be stored in MalilChimp’s system. See MailChimp’s privacy policy for more information.

You can at any time stop these sign up services


Venture North is a private company, and we do not engage in activities that require us to store personal information to any great extent. We, therefore, do not have a privacy representative. If you have any questions regarding Venture North and privacy, please email: contact@initialforce.com